Information about teachers

Kasymov Kenzhebek Boshtayevich
history teacher




Kozlov Alexandr Ivanovich

basic training instructor





Bekenov Nagashibai Saruarovich

physical education teacher




Musilov Dastan Uteulievich

physical education teacher



Salimgereev Damir Sabitovich

specialty teacher





Saidova Gulvira Saitovna

specialty teacher




Abdikova Aizhan Ormanovna

chemistry teacher




Safronova Mariya Viktorovna

English teacher



Tynyshtyk Bereke Meyrambekuly

teacher of кazakh language and literature




Turkenova Karina Yerkenovna
specialty teacher





Starovik Gulmira Eskendirovna

specialty teacher




Kusniyarova Zarina Muratovna

english teacher



Kalieva Latifa Toleubaevna

teacher of special disciplines





Ditaeva Dinara Meiramovna

specialty teacher




Kulzhanova Bayan Torgaybekovna

specialty teacher




Zhukeyeva Dinara Bolatbekovna

specialty teacher




Nurzhan Gulzhanat Tuyebaykyzy

teacher of кazakh language and literature



Mukasheva Gulden Zhumagalievna

teacher of кazakh language and literature





Smailova Nazgul Bigaliyevna

physics teacher




Mnaidarova Gulshira Zhanabaevna

teacher of Russian language and literature



Gapparova Aiganim Gibratovna

specialty teacher




Yermanova Saniya Bolenbaykyzy

specialty teacher





Muratova Diana Dautovna

specialty teacher




Karina Lyazzat Nurlanovna

math teacher