April 19-20, 2018 the Open Day was held at the college. Registration was open to all comers, we received a large number of students who are preparing to graduate from the 9th and 11th grades. Former college graduates also attended the open door day: Espanova Akmaral (educator from the Nursery Kindergarten “Altyn Besik”), Kuzhambetova Ainura (educator from the Semenovskaya secondary school), Bekmurzina Leila (educator from the Bobek kindergarten).
In addition to consultations on the specialty of interest, for the guests of the college, the deputy director for educational and industrial work of the college – Mimemkuly Makhmuktzyzy Bimendinova and the teacher of the college – Tortaeva Dametken Zhumagulovna spoke with a parting word, and the college was presented. Especially for everyone there was a tour of the college. Also, a concert program was organized for the participants of the Open Day by the council of the municipality of the college, which was able to create an even warmer atmosphere in the hall. We are pleased to open the door for all whose goal is education. Well, if for some reason you missed this day, we will be happy to answer your questions on the contact numbers of the college: 8 (7142) 54-54-02, 8 (7142) 54-57-66 or on the college website https://kgk-kst.kz.
Open Day