I am a student of Kostanay Humanitarian college. Today our educational institution is a modern institution equipped with everything necessary for educational activity that confidently presents itself against the background of its competitors in the field of education. And this is obvious to everyone, because KGC prepares well-trained specialists, and in the motley list of specialties it is completely difficult to make a choice.
Of course, the ship sails as it is managed. The founder of the SCC is an academician, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law Sultan Sartayevich Sartaev. Every student of our college is familiar with his personality. Recently, the college held a reading conference “Living without aging …” dedicated to the 90th birthday of S. Sartaev. The students of the group in which I study prepared this event, and it passed with success. For many, was the discovery of creativity S. Sartaev. And today, in the KGC educational library, students love to read his lyric poems and edifications that are relevant today.
Naturally, like any other student, I was interested in the history of my college. Kostanay College of Humanities was founded in 2003, and in 2004 the institution began educational activities on the basis of the former Kostanay branch of KIPMO. Then in 2004 the college was granted the first state license to study only four specialties. But already in 2009, the list of specialties offered to the entrant increased considerably; their number already amounted to eight specialties in demand in the modern labor market.
Our college is strong in the unity of the team of teachers and students. Everyone makes his own contribution to the development of the college, as well as the organization of a bright student life. Various events, promotions, flash mobs, competitions and contests give our students the opportunity not only to “gnaw the granite of science”, but also to live brightly the best years of their lives.
I think that a college with such a history is simply obliged to have a rich future, and we, students of KGC, will contribute to this by representing competent specialists in the labor market.
Avdeeva Irina, gr 3BD-1
Review of the reader’s conference dedicated to the 90th birthday of S. Sartaev.